3D Bistro sp z o.o., Michał Rogowski SLS pricing examples The SLS pricing is remarkably complex. Before providing you with the price, I analyze the part geometry, volume, bounding box, estimate the space that the part may take in the printing chamber and how... Jun 1, 2022
3D Bistro sp z o.o., Agata Klimczak They printed a bird's beak and saved its life with a 3D printer. Hornbills are birds that somewhat resemble toucans, but are endowed with a more curved beak, resembling a horn. These animals do well in their natural environment. Unfortunately, in a clash with poach... Oct 29, 2021
3D Bistro sp z o.o., Agata Klimczak When to choose 3d printing? Contrary to widespread assumption, 3d printing is successfully used to create final and functional products. Our analysis shows that it is usually more profitable to choose 3d printing in low-volume ... May 22, 2020
3D Bistro sp z o.o., Agata Klimczak Technologies that match the manufacturing of small batches. Companies, especially new ones, often struggle to choose the best production method for their products. Low-volume batches are even more challenging. Selecting the right technology results in saving m... May 22, 2020
3D Bistro sp z o.o., Agata Klimczak How can your business profit from manufacturing small batches? Starting a production can be quite a challenge. Processes regarding logistics and planning are definitely not a favorite thing ever when it comes to creating a new product. How to make it more simple ... May 22, 2020